Video Essay - Thought on A.I, Robot and EQ.
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The Development and application of artificial intelligence in the form of Chat GPT

Being a native, my impression of Saigon is that it is a vibrant, congested, and colorful metropolis. In the last five years, a large number of start-up companies have used artificial intelligence (AI) in their day-to-day operations to look good to potential investors and get investment funds. This can be seen in the work done by the EM&AI Company in Vietnam, which does a lot of research on natural language processing technology and artificial intelligence. They were successful in raising one million dollars in exchange for a five percent ownership share in the reality TV program Shark Tank Vietnam. EM&AI has finished building and packaging chatbot and voicebot services to the point where they are ready to be sent to businesses.

In contrast to the work that EM&AI is conducting, ChatGPT is a version that is both more accessible to users and more universal. ChatGPT is a large model language that uses a conversational style of communication. The dialogue format allows ChatGPT to respond to follow-up questions, admit mistakes, argue against incorrect premises, and decline inappropriate requests (OpenAI, 2022). Back in 1950, the Turing test was one of the first milestones in the long history of the creation of chatbots. Its purpose was to determine whether or not computers are capable of thinking and talking in the same way that humans do. Alan Turing, in his seminar paper titled "Computing Machinery and Intelligence," characterizes the components of a digital computer as having the following three parts: store, executive unit, and control (Turing, 1950).

  • Store: data required for computation
  • Executive unit: to carry out the individual operations.
  • Control: to guarantee the execution of instructions in compliance with the regulations.

All three elements are comparable to the structure of ChatGPT, which consists of data (equivalent to the store), algorithm (equivalent to the executive unit), and regulations (equivalent to control). The use of ChatGPT is an example of cutting-edge AI technology. Unlike other technologies such as Google Search, Siri, Alexa, or the chatbot built into Facebook Messenger, ChatGPT provides genuine context-based replies and unique solutions to a topic.

Both Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 illustrate the practical advantages of ChatGPT for regular users. From the creative to the academic to the technological, this technology may be utilized as a go-to for research, study, and greater productivity. Of course, this raises the issue of what, if anything, is good in a longer process that is lost in the pursuit of speed. IBM defines the goal of artificial intelligence as allowing computers and other devices to do tasks normally performed by a human brain, such as solving problems and making decisions (IBM Cloud Education, 2020). Though, AI cannot have their own emotions. Rana el Kaliouby, an Egyptian-American computer scientist and CEO of Affectiva, says that as she learned more about computer science and artificial intelligence, it became clear that technology has a lot of cognitive intelligence (IQ) but no emotional intelligence (EQ). This is a problem not only for how we use technology but also for how we connect and talk to each other (Dhinakaran, 2021). In general, a person's social intelligence rises as they get more comfortable interacting with others around them. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is essential if humans are to exercise control over AI and build it into a helpful resource. The future will be bright if we start to give EQ the same importance as we give AI. How can we expect workers to be excited about the future of work if they are always afraid that a robot will take their jobs? (Ed Kang, 2019). The experience of human emotions may be thought of as something personal and unique to each person. It is a process that involves cognitive, psychological, physical, and biological components all working together. Microsoft is acutely aware of the growing reaction against face recognition, and as a result, the company has decided to terminate an important project in response. The business has disclosed that it would "retire" face recognition technology that, according to the corporation, was capable of inferring feelings in addition to features such as age, gender, and hair. According to Microsoft, the AI generated privacy concerns, and the company's supply of a framework opened the possibility for discrimination and other forms of misuse (Jon Fingas, 2022).

A scene from the film "Bicentennial Man," directed by Chris Columbus, may be seen in Figure 3. The plot revolves around Andrew, an android played by Robin Williams, who, on the two hundredth anniversary of his creation, is named a "Bicentennial Man" by the World Congress because he has attained a level of human-like perfection. Andrew is a new-generation robot that the Martin family purchased to assist with household chores. Andrew was designed to serve humanity and must obey all commands without question (except, of course, those that are harmful to humans). Andrew had a concussion and "short circuit, cold nerves" when Mr. Martin's small daughter once persuaded him to jump from an upper window. Andrew's awareness and intelligence grew as a result of this event, and his capacity to learn expanded. Andrew's consciousness is increasing; he now understands how to love and is willing to leave home, create his own house, and experience life as a true person. Andrew comes to understand that the goal of his existence is to struggle for the right to be acknowledged as a genuine human, as opposed to a mindless robot. When his wife passed away, he wanted to end the inherent immortality of robots by dying with the one he loved. It was not until the last moments of his life that the world acknowledged Andrew as a real person. The film seems to convey a message about the fundamental worth of human imperfection. A robot has renounced his immortality in order to be acknowledged as a human.

In conclusion, tools such as ChatGPT, Google search, the chatbot on Facebook, and voicebots are now undergoing development to become more similar to humans. The message conveyed in the film "Bicentennial Man" may serve as a point of reference and a potential solution for bringing the situation under control. All of the above tools are always helpful in the long run. It is essential that they progress in the appropriate direction. As Nick Bostrom said, "the more of the control problem that we solve in advance, the better the odds that the transition to the machine intelligence era will go well." When humans control themselves, they are able to control what they create.

Reference List:

Wikipedia (2022), Artificial intelligence, Wikipedia website, accessed 5 December 2022. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence>

OpenAI (2022), ChatGPT: Optimizing Language Models for Dialogue, Open AI website, accessed 3 December 2022. <https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/>

Aparna Dhinakaran (2021), Can AI Have Emotional Intelligence?, Forbes website, accessed 10 December 2022. <https://www.forbes.com/sites/aparnadhinakaran/2021/07/28/can-ai-have-emotional-intelligence/ ?sh=4eea1da15109/>

Jon Fingas (2022), Microsoft will phase out facial recognition AI that could detect emotions, Engadget website, accessed 10 December 2022. <https://www.engadget.com/microsoft-retires-facial-recognition-ai-emotion-detection-18301007 8.html>

IBM Cloud Education (2020), Artificial Intelligence (AI), IBM website, accessed 12 December 2022. <https://www.ibm.com/sa-en/cloud/learn/what-is-artificial-intelligence#:~:text=Artificial%20inte lligence%20leverages%20computers%20and,capabilities%20of%20the%20human%20mind.>

Imalsha Kandamby (2021), Challenges and risk of applying AI in school education, Linkedin website, accessed 12 December 2022. <https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/challenges-risks-applying-ai-school-education-imalsha-kanda mby?trk=articles_directory>

Ed Kang (2019), Emotional Intelligence & Artificial Intelligence: EQ Vs. AI?, You-eq website, accessed 12 December 2022. <https://www.you-eq.com/news-events/2019/7/18/emotional-intelligence-amp-artificial-intellige nce-eq-vs-ai>

Wikipedia (2022), Technological singularity, Wikipedia website, accessed 9 December 2022. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity>